However, as the human population in the mountains increase, wildlife and mountain plantation is under threat. Ethiopia flaunts an extraordinary array of flora made up of over 1,000 species of trees, shrubs and lianas – 125 of which are endemic. The whole country has a mean elevation of 1330 meters, and the highest point is Ras Dashen with an elevation of 4,550 meters while the lowest point is Danakil depression with an elevation of -125 meters. It rises up to a height of about 4500 meters above sea level which makes it the perfect place for one to go for hiking. source:, image:, The cultivation of coffee, Ethiopia’s main export, and teff, an endemic grain runs on a large scale. It is situated in the Semien (North) Gondar Zone of the Amhara Region, its territory spans the Simien Mountains and includes Ras Dashan, the highest point in Ethiopia. Mountain Biking The Ethiopian Highlands Tracey Croke. Human settlements are part of the landscape. source:, The Ethiopian Highlands are a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, Eritrea (which is sometimes referred to as the Eritrean Highlands). Naturally, I accept its free invitation to take a seat for a 180-degree view of Africa’s largest continuous mountain range, the Ethiopian Highlands. The tallest peak is Ras Dashen (4,550 m); other notable heights include Mounts Biuat (4,437 m) and Kidis, Kidis Yared (4,453 m). Simien Mountains National Park is known as the home to a number of endemic species that include the Ethiopian wolf. The highlands and mountains of Ethiopia, in contrast to most mountain systems outside Africa, were not origi-nally hostile to man, but provided excellent human habi-tat before recent degradation (Figure 1). They are also the only wolf species to exist in Africa. Der 179 km² große Simien-Nationalpark (auch Semien-Nationalpark oder Sämen-Nationalpark) befindet sich im Norden von Äthiopien.Sein Name leitet sich von dem amharischen Wort sämen (ሰሜን) „Norden“ her. The Blue Nile is so- called because floods during the summer monsoon erode a vast amount of fertile soil from the Ethiopian Highlands. It dwells on steep cliffs in regions characterized by rocky mountains, gorges, outcrops and loose stony screes. Somewhere it is flat and somewhere it has summits. The mountain is found in Bale National Park in South Eastern Ethiopia. For Ski Lovers, in winters this is the place of enthusiasm because it causes jubilation inside us. The Giant mole-rat is a unique species in the area. The Blue Nile the chief headstream of river Nile in terms of water volume starts from Lake Tana in the nonwestern part of Ethiopia. What Are The Major Natural Resources Of Ethiopia? Simien Mountains National Park is a world heritage site. Tourists flock the Ethiopian mountains to enjoy beautiful landscapes and rare animal species. … It stands at 4550 meters above sea level and is part of Simien Mountain ranges. The country borders six countries which include Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. source:, The popular saying “Ethiopia-13 Months of Sunshine” is derived from Ethiopia’s all year round mild climate with a lot of warm sunshine and a calendar system that has 13 months. It stands at 4437 meters above sea level. The Ethiopian Highlands is a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, situated in the Horn region in northeast Africa. source: Wikipedia, image:, 6. The land is very fertile, capable of three harvests a year. The Simien Mountains National Park, home to Mount Ras Dashen, Mount Ancua, and Mount Bwahi, is a world heritage site. source: Wikipedia, The Ethiopian Highlands began to rise 75 million years ago, as magma from the Earth’s mantle uplifted a broad dome of the ancient rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 In the Ethiopian Mountains, Ancient Humans Were Living the High Life Humans may have inhabited sites at high elevations far earlier than once believed, a new study suggests. 3. 139 relations. How to go trekking in Ethiopia Who to go with: Tesfa Tours is a highly committed local organisation run by Briton Mark Chapman, to bring tourists and income sustainably to Ethiopia’s highland communities in Wollo, Tigray, Wof Washa, Janamora and the Simien mountains. The Ethiopian Highlands form the largest continuous area of its altitude in the whole continent, with little of its surface falling below 1500 m (5000 ft), while the summits reach heights of up to 4550 m (15,000 ft). Ethiopia’s highlands have been home to civilisations of wealth and power over the past three millennia, and the riches they’ve left behind are still here for you to see. … Mount Ancua is also known as Ankwa, or Weynobar. The Ethiopian Highlands are divided into northwestern and southeastern portions by the Main Ethiopian Rift, which contains a number of salt lakes. Let us know more intriguing facts about the Roof of Africa, Ethiopian Highlands: 1. It forms the largest continuous area of its elevation in the continent, with little of its surface falling below 1500m, while the summits reach heights of up to 4550m. But over the last decade, tourism has become … These settlers provide an attraction for tourists who trek up the mountain. source:, Ethiopian Highlands are suffering from deforestation, drought, and soil degradation which have caused crop failures and famine during the past few decades; seven million people face starvation. Mountains portal; Mountain in somaliland Daalo 5500 Sources. Boosting ecotourism is also helping in conservation efforts. It stands at 4550 meters above sea level and is part of Simien Mountain ranges. Simien Mountains National Park is a world heritage site. The Simien Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are incomparable for their landscapes, history and culture. Mount Bwahit is a peak on Simien Mountains. The tallest peak is Ras Dashen (4,550 m); other notable heights include Mounts Biuat (4,437 m) and Kidis, Kidis Yared (4,453 m). Antelope species like Menelik’s bushbuck and mountain nyala are also found in the area. The gelada baboon and the caracal, a cat, also occur within the Simien Mountains and some species of endangered birds like bearded vulture or lammergeier inhabit the park. Rare species like the Simien fox, the Gelada baboon, and the Walia ibex wild goat only found in Ethiopia, inhabit the mountain. Ethiopia - Wikipedia Where conditions are drier, one finds montane grasslands, savannas, and woodlands, like the Ethiopian Highlands, and montane steppes, like the steppes of the Tibetan Plateau. It is … The #1 destination in Africa for nature #lovers #Ethiopia #Africa #Nature Feel free to share with your friends.don't forget to like and comment. A vast mountainous wilderness of ridges and plateaus, this region is home to the country’s highland people. Located in Horn of Africa, Ethiopian Highlands showcase true Nature. The tallest peak is Ras Dashen (4,550 m); other notable heights include Mounts Biuat (4,437 m) and Kidis, Kidis Yared (4,453 m). source:, image: The Kingdom of Aksum (also known as the Aksumite Empire) was an ancient state located in the Eritrean highlands and Ethiopian highlands, which thrived between the … The climate throughout this area is semiarid with a tropical monsoon season. This is partly because the Ethiopian Highlands, known as the "African Alps," contain roughly 80 per cent of the highest mountains in Africa. The mountain ranges are a popular site for birdwatchers, wildlife lovers and nature enthusiasts. Er ist vor allem der eindrucksvollen Berglandschaft wegen bekannt. Ethiopian Mountains, several mountain groups on the central and western plateaus of Ethiopia, in northeastern Africa, probably of early volcanic origin. Highlands above 1,500 m comprise 43%, or 537,000 km2, of Ethiopia, which has a total area of 1.22 million km2 (Figure 2). The rodent is prey for the Ethiopian wolf that is also found in the mountain. source: Wikipedia, Ethiopia is a landlocked nation located in north-eastern Africa in an area known as the Horn of Africa. source:, image:, image:, The Blue Nile also courses through the northern part of the highlands. Castor Bean, Coffee, and Sorghum are major crops believed to have originated from Ethiopia. Within this section the Simen Mountains are marked by Mount Ras Dejen (15,157 feet [4,620 m]), the highest peak in Ethiopia. It is 4462 meters above the sea level. The comprehensive weather resource is aimed at climbers, mountaineers, hillwalkers, hikers or outdoor enthusiasts planning expeditions where mountain weather is critical. source:, The Ethiopian Highlands home, Ethiopia, is the only country in Africa never to have been colonized. source:, image:, For the first time, Early Human Species appeared in Ethiopia and Ethiopian Highlands are native to many living species like bird species such as the wattled Ibis and the blue-winged goose are found here. These highlands are mainly located in Ethiopia, although a portion does cross the border into Eritrea. Overview of Ethiopian Highlands Travel to Ethiopia and discover a beautiful country, barely touched by modern society. Ethiopia is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa having lost the whole of the coastline along the Red Sea as a result of Eritrea declaring independence from the country in 1993. Used to be a Kingdom: Kingdom of Kaffa, Once on the southern part of the Ethiopian Highlands, there was a kingdom named the Kingdom of Kaffa a medieval-early modern state, whence the coffee plant was exported to the Arabian Peninsula. The Ethiopian Highlands, a region of high-altitude plateaus and mountains reaching above 14,000 feet, have long provided a topographic defense against the spread of malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Many of the tallest mountains and volcanoes in Eritrea are located in an area known as the Ethiopian Highlands. source:, image:, 7. The national park has scenic landscapes that have been carved out by nature over the years. Splendid “Semien Mountains National Park”, Simien Mountains National Park is one of the national parks of Ethiopia. At many higher elevations, temperatures have historically been too cold for the Plasmodium parasites responsible for most cases of malaria in the region to be transmitted. National Park is home to some endangered species incorporating the Ethiopian wolf and the Walia ibex, a wild goat found nowhere else in the world. The northwestern part, includes the Semien Mountains, which are famous by peak Ras Dashan (4550 m) - the highest in Ethiopia and Lake Tana. Conservationists are taking steps to ensure sustainable use of the available resources. I notice a large flat rock kicking out from an escarpment. Ethiopia is one of the oldest centres of human civilisation in the world. Their restriction range is Ethiopia. In northern Ethiopia, rural communities are hosting travellers through special tourism projects. Mount Bwahit is separated from the highest mountain in Ethiopia, Mount Ras Dashen, by a deep gorge. Bale Mountains National Park, which hosts Mount Tullu Dimtu, is waiting to be declared a world heritage site. It is part of the Simien mountain ranges. The southeastern portion's highest peaks are located in Bale Mountains national park, and are nearly as high as Semien. Rare species like the Simien fox, the Gelada baboon, … Resettling the mountain communities is one of the measures taken. The Ethiopian Highlands is a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, situated in the Horn region in northeast Africa. Matt Phillips, who has a long affinity with the country, is here to help you experience the best of it. Farming and grazing have depleted the mountain vegetation. Walia Ibex eat bushes, herbs, lichens, shrubs, grass and creepers. Ras Dashen is the highest mountain in Ethiopia. Discover the ancient history on display at Aksum and … Rural families earn their living through subsistence agriculture, much as they have done for centuries, tilling the land with oxen and working it by hand. The landscape is unique with deep valleys and high plateaus. Mount Tully Dimtu’s natural resources are under threat from human activity. Ethiopian Highlands are home to great Flora and Fauna. At its heart lie the Ethiopian Highlands. The mountain hosts a variety of animal and plant species. The most notable of these is the Simien Mountains, the highest point of which is Ras Dejen (or Dashen), 14,872 feet (4,533 metres) high. See also. Ethiopian Highlands span across the most of the Horn of African Region. The highlands are the most agriculturally productive and densely populated areas of both Eritrea and Ethiopia. Born in the Princely State of Indore and known as Nightingale of Bollywood, Lata Mangeshkar is considered as the most versatile singer of India.... 12 Interesting Facts About Ethiopian Highlands, source:, image:, source:, image:, image:, source: Wikipedia, image:, source:, image:, source:, image:, source:, image:, 26 Interesting Facts About Montana, United States, 20 Interesting Facts About Mount Fuji (Japan), 16 Interesting Facts About Matryoshka Dolls, 19 Lesser Known Facts About Sentinel Island, 21 Interesting Facts About Lata Mangeshkar, 21 Interesting Facts About Enrique Iglesias, 15 Interesting Facts About Jennifer Love Hewitt. What Are The Major Industries In Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Highlands is a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, situated in the Horn region in Northeast Africa. The mountain stands at 4453 meters. Local communities have co-existed with wildlife in the mountains for many centuries. The Simien Mountains are as magnificent as the Grand Canyon in Arizona, US. Ethiopian Wolves Ethiopian wolves number fewer than 500 in the wild. Ethiopian Highlands are home to Africa’s 80% tallest mountains. Rodents make up a third of the mammal population in the mountain. Mount Tullu Dimtu is 4377 meters above sea level. Ethiopia is a place of wonder: dramatic mountains dissected by great rivers; escarpment-top communities with sensational views across a timeless landscape, where birds of prey soar in thermals and gelada baboons scamper down cliffs. This is causing several land problems such as droughts and soil erosion. Hailed as the "cradle of humanity," Ethiopia boasts a human history that dates back millions of years. Ras Dashen is the highest mountain in Ethiopia. As a result, Ethiopia is the world leading as the most populous landlocked country. They also boast of spectacular beauty. The Simien Mountains are as magnificent as the Grand Canyon in Arizona, US. It is sometimes called the Roof of Africa due to its height and large area. While containing large stretches of plains in the east and south, the country is dominated by highlands, which rise to well over 3,000 ft (1,300 m), and the Great Rift Valley , which is several hundred meters below sea level. The mountain is also part of the Simien Mountains ranges in northern Ethiopia. The Simiens Mountains are part of the Ethiopian highlands trip and there are a lot of things that you will be able to carry out when you visit the Simiens Mountains. The national park has scenic landscapes that have been carved out by nature over the years. The Ethiopian Highlands is a rugged mass of mountains in Ethiopia, situated in the Horn region in northeast Africa. Visit the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela and the rugged landscapes of the Simien Mountains. Home To 80% of Africa’s Tallest Mountains, Ethiopian Highlands are home to Africa’s 80% tallest mountains.
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