Ohio Haunters Association (OHA), a non-profit group of Halloween Enthusiasts and Haunted Attraction Industry professionals and amateurs, is debuting an all-new convention at the historic Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio from May 17 th to May 19 th, 2019. However, the room block is limited, so try to book as early as you can. Midwest Haunters Convention 2014 Pics. Here are a variety of pics from the Midwest Haunters Convention in Columbus, OH. WELCOME TO OHIO INVENTION LEAGUE INVENTION CONVENTION. Browse the trade show in Mansfield Reformatory's West Cell Block, participate in classes led by renowned industry professionals, take part in a ghost hunt, and tour area haunts in the off season! Learn more about Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention About US. Home; About Us; Contact Us; Follow City Blood! Here are a variety of pics from the Midwest Haunters Convention 2013 in Columbus, OH. We will soon be reaching out to other vendors to see who else may be interested in claiming a spot for Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2020. From the yard haunters that create elaborate displays every fall for the neighborhood children to marvel at on those cool, crisp autumn evening to the professional haunts that pepper our state, delivering an abundance of scares every season. Midwest Haunters Convention 2011 Pics The Midwest Haunters Convention at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH is one of the largest haunt … Loading... Unsubscribe from Scare Rookie? The West Cell Block, which we used last year, contains 8’x12′ booth spaces and cost $250 per booth space. Being a part of Ohio means that you are part of a state that leads the way in haunting. 2012 Photos by Shadow Services: Brian Dawsey. ScareRookie 2017- Midwest Haunters Convention- Columbus, OH Scare Rookie. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention Coming to The Historic Ohio State Reformatory. This year, we have brought together Haunt Reviewers from The Scare Factor, Haunted Honeymooners and Haunt Talk to help give you some insight into what they are looking for when they come to review your haunts. Browse our tradeshow floor to find the perfect items to highlight your spooky decor or to bring your haunt character to life! Blood Prison will be open during the convention on Friday, May 15th from 9:00pm to Midnight and again on Saturday during the vendor floor hours. I have been an instructor at HauntCon, National Haunters Convention and The New England Haunt Show. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2019 By Jason CHARLES Wilson (other events) The Ohio State Reformatory 100 Reformatory Rd, Mansfield, OH 44905. Get your scare on this Halloween Season by checking out some of the spookiest Haunted Attractions in Ohio! The Darkness is located in St Louis Missouri just two miles from the convention center and thousands of haunt owners and operators will buy new props by day and tour The Darkness by night. This regional event is set to start on 04 June 2021, Friday in Rosemont, IL, United States, and organized by TransWorld. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention More details on these will be posted as they are finalized. redemption Follow us on facebook! Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2019. The party of the year for Halloween enthusiasts and all members of the haunt industry. Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse is one of the top haunted house attractions near Mansfield, Ohio. Blood Prison has been one of Mid-Ohio’s top rated haunts for the past three years and its intensity just keeps growing year after year. Instead, we invite you to join us at Midwest Haunters 2021, June 4-6, in Rosemont, Illinois! Do you dare make to lose your mind to fear this Halloween season? Join as we explore the first ever Ohio Halloween Haunters Convention at the historic Mansfield Reformatory! 2012 Laura Dark Masquerade Photos. Midwest Haunters Convention & Trade Show is the largest Halloween show of its kind in the United States.. Midwest Haunters Convention & Trade Show is a premier regional trade show related to Halloween industry. Register Now Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2019. So, get ready for the only Halloween and Haunters convention in a historic and haunted prison. How about experiencing an amazing haunted attraction that is housed in that very same prison! The Haunted House Industries Biggest Haunted House tour is The Darkness which happens each year during the biggest Haunt Show in St Louis Missouri every March. May 16 | Recurring Event . I have 30 years working as a professional in the Haunt Industry. Cancel Unsubscribe. One event on May 18, 2019 at 4:00 am. The HAA show takes place at the America’s Center in downtown St. Louis, March 4th-7th, 2021. Haunted house is our tick tock Instagram and Facebook, and then Twitter is just at city hall. There are currently no upcoming dates for Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2020. From fascinating yard displays to million dollar professional attractions, Ohio has always been in the forefront of the haunt … What could be better than attending a Haunt Industry convention inside of an actual historic haunted prison? Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2020 By Jason CHARLES Wilson (other events) The Ohio State Reformatory 100 Reformatory Rd, Mansfield, OH 44905. West Coast Haunters Convention is a haunters convention for all, whether you are a pro haunter, home haunter, or Halloween enthusiast. The biggest party in history for Halloween enthusiasts and home and indie haunters! Out of an abundance of caution, coupled with respect for your opinions, we have decided to cancel the 2020 Midwest Haunters Convention. 2020 Halloween & Haunters Convention. One event on May 19, 2019 at 4:00 am. Originally built in 1924, this haunted schoolhouse is filled with fright! Blood Prison has been one of Mid-Ohio’s top rated haunts for the past three years and its intensity just keeps growing year after year. So, we present to you: OHHC 2020: Extended Sentence! Our haunted house is conveniently located just 20 minutes Southeast from the Mansfield Prison in Mansfield, Ohio. May 15 | Recurring Event . There were well over 4000 people in attendance who enjoyed great educational seminars, fun social events, and, most importantly, spent a lot of money with our 120 vendors. Ohio Haunters Convention . How about experiencing an amazing haunted attraction that is housed in that very same prison! The party of the year for Halloween enthusiasts and all members of the haunt industry. This event has been CANCELED for 2020! At Ohio Invention League’s Invention Convention, problem solving is our superpower! When the news broke that 2018 would be the last year that Midwest Haunters Convention would be held in Columbus, Ohio the members of Ohio Haunters Association decided that Ohio, with more haunted attractions than just about every other state, needed a convention of its own. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 85. More vendors, more food and more fun! Kalahari Resort and Convention Center Sandusky, OH: Biggest Little Fur Con 2021: June 3-5, 2021: Grand Sierra Resort and Casino Reno, NV: Atlanta Game Fest 2021: June 3-6, 2021: Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta Atlanta, GA: PAX East 2021: June 3-6, 2021: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Boston, MA: Midwest Haunters Convention 2021: June 4-6, 2021 May 18, 2019 | Recurring Event . Blood Prison has been one of Mid-Ohio’s top rated haunts for the past three years and its intensity just keeps growing year after year. Pages Other Event HAuNTcon : Haunted Attraction National Tradeshow & Convention Videos This Haunt’s Christmas TikTok has over 3 million views The WCHC is a 501(c)3 organization that gives grants to professionals who work with children with hearing impairments and/or autism. At the Ohio Haunters Association, our goal is to spread the love of Halloween and the Haunted Attraction industry while strengthening the Ohio Haunt Community and the communities in which we live. 2012 Photos by Haunters Digest. The party of the year for Halloween enthusiasts and all members of the haunt industry. Experience fear like never before in this haunted schoolhouse. We don’t expect you to spend ALL of your time on the vendor floor, so we are lining up some fun extracurricular activities to help you fill your time. Check out … An event every day that begins at 4:00 am, repeating until May 17, 2020. Search for: Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. 2012 MHC Costume Ball video by Steves Haunted Yard. With each turn, the suspense will continue to rise. This regional event is set to start on 04 June 2021, Friday in Rosemont, IL, United States, and organized by TransWorld. 2012 Midwest Haunt Con/Behind the Thrills. Mansfield, OH. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention; Search. The WCHC is a 501(c)3 organization that gives grants to professionals who work with children with hearing impairments and/or autism. Be proud and Haunt On. But Midwest Haunters — also produced by Winnetka-based TransWorld Trade Shows, and usually held in Ohio — caters to the mid-size haunt, the charity … Search for: Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. I have done everything from scenic design, build crew, stage management, performing, and all aspects of general management. Home. Check out these other great TransWorld Events! Search for: Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram. CANCELED – Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2020. At the Ohio Haunters Association, our goal is to spread the love of Halloween and the Haunted Attraction industry while strengthening the Ohio Haunt Community and the communities in which we live. Being a part of OHA is being a part of Ohio. We are back for another year and, using all of your feedback, are coming back bigger and better. redemption Follow us on facebook! Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention. Fri, May 15 2020 8:00 AM — Sun, May 17 2020 3:00 PM. Fri, May 17 2019 8:00 AM — Sun, May 19 2019 6:00 PM. Through networking and shared knowledge, we work together to support all the haunts in Ohio and across the globe to try and ensure that the tradition of “haunting” continues on for generations to come while also supporting charities that assist the counties in which we live. We … Saturday, May 2, 2020- Sunday, May 3, 2020 (EVENT CANCELED) Paranormal and Psychic Convention at one of America’s most famous Haunted Prisons CANCELED – Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2020. MHC: Midwest Haunters Convention; Behind the Thrills; June 13, 2012. Posted in HAA News & Updates. Students in Grades K-12, throughout Ohio, activate their STEAMED skills & powers of curiosity, imagination, critical & creative thinking, determination, confidence & perseverance to become problem solving inventors. This event has been CANCELED for 2020! Friday, May 15th, 8 AM-3 PM Saturday, May 16th, 8 AM-3 PM Sunday, May 17th, 8 AM-3 PM . There are currently no upcoming dates for Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2019. Loud music, haunting atmosphere and great people all combine to create one HELL of a party! Page 1Page 2 Page 1Page 2 Posted : October 22nd, 2020. Please click the following link for the Coupon Code “HAL” CLICK HERE. ParaPsyCon. The 2019 Midwest Haunters Convention once again set attendance records in our NEW location! March 4-7, 2021 St. Louis, MO; March 4-7, 2021 St. Louis, MO November 12-13, 2021 New Orleans, LA March 4-7, 2021 Piercing The Veil is a new event for 2020, where we gather experts in a particular field within the haunt industry and give you the opportunity to ask them your most burning questions. After years and years of vacancy, this haunted schoolhouse was resurrected to bring you fear. Our 2019 event was such a great success, that we have been asked to bring it back for another year! March 4-7, 2021 St. Louis, MO; March 4-7, 2021 St. Louis, MO November 12-13, 2021 New Orleans, LA March 4-7, 2021 Ohio Haunters Association (OHA), a non-profit group of Halloween Enthusiasts and Haunted Attraction Industry professionals and amateurs, is debuting an all-new convention at the historic Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio from May 17 th to May 19 th, 2019.. What could be better than attending a Haunt Industry convention inside of an actual historic haunted prison? When the news broke that 2018 would be the last year that Midwest Haunters Convention would be held in Columbus, Ohio the members of Ohio Haunters Association decided that Ohio, with more haunted attractions than just about every other state, needed a convention of its own. An event every day that begins at 4:00 am, repeating until May 17, 2020. A 2 days trade show, Midwest Haunters Convention & Tradeshow is going to be held in Columbus, USA from 26 May 2018 to 27 May 2018. Ohio Haunters Association is a group of Haunters, from all across the spectrum. Today we are sharing the difficult decision that the upcoming HAuNTcon event, scheduled to take place January 22-24, 2021 in Dallas, Texas as well as the co-located Halloween & Party Expo will now pivot to a virtual event for the Halloween, party, celebration and haunt community. Fri, May 17 2019 8:00 AM — Sun, May 19 2019 6:00 PM. Please submit your questions ahead of time by either emailing them to Max@ohiohaunters.com or use the hashtag #askohhc and tweet your question to us at @ohiohaunters. Ohio leads the way in the haunt industry, with an overwhelming number of haunters in this state. So, stay tuned. The party of the year for Halloween enthusiasts and all members of the haunt industry. Blood Prison will be open during the convention on Friday, May 15th from 9:00pm to Midnight and again on Saturday during the vendor floor hours. Midwest Haunters Convention & Trade Show is the largest Halloween show of its kind in the United States.. Midwest Haunters Convention & Trade Show is a premier regional trade show related to Halloween industry. Dust off those old bones and get your blood pumping as you dance the night away at OHHC’s FREAKERS BALL! We are excited to announce registration is now open for TransWorld’s 2021 Halloween and Attractions Show! We are taking all the lessons we learned last year along with all of your feedback and are going to make our 2020 show even bigger and better. Set Designers Pics include the Costume Ball and Convention. 2012 MHC photo slideshow by Steve’s Haunted Yard Check out Midwest Haunters Convention & Tradeshow Greater Columbus Convention Center Dates Location Schedule Registration Agenda Reviews Exhibitor list. Whether you're interested in checking out a Haunted House, Haunted Hayride or Corn Maze, or want to test out your shooting skills at a Zombie Shootout, there's something for all thrill seekers to enjoy! Get ready to be schooled in the lesson of fear. Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention 2019 By Jason CHARLES Wilson (other events) The Ohio State Reformatory 100 Reformatory Rd, Mansfield, OH 44905. Join as we explore the first ever Ohio Halloween Haunters Convention at the historic Mansfield Reformatory! Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse … Hotel Rooms: The Halloween Show and National Haunters Convention is proud to announce we have a very good discount block of hotel rooms for the Showboat Hotel located right inside of our Convention Center. One event on May 15, 2020 at 4:00 am. © 2021 Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention. Check out these other great TransWorld Events! West Coast Haunters Convention is a haunters convention for all, whether you are a pro haunter, home haunter, or Halloween enthusiast. Midwest Haunters Convention 2009 Pics The Midwest Haunters Convention in Columbus, OH is one of the largest conventions for haunt actors, owners, enthusiasts and more. Enter the costume contest for your chance to win one of three amazing prize packages brought to you by the Stan Winston Schools, which include subscriptions to their incredible online library of educational and training videos covering special effects makeup, puppetry, animatronics, and so much more! 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