However, he was not completely heartless, granting those he felt worthy of his respect quick and painless deaths. Grevious used his talon like fingers to gouge out Maul's eyes and cause the Sith to bleed. Granted, it was circumstantial but Fisto only had style advantage. Darth Maul: Silence. Note that anakin here wasn't as indered as he was vs kenobi. Yes it is, maul and grevious are fighting, they both look at talzin vs sidious, it cuts to a scene with mandolorians, maul then pushes grevious. Grevious logically can replicate that showing. He leapt away from them narrowly. These shamans are closely in tune with the flow of the Force throughout Felucia and are constantly on watch for other Felucians who are flirting with the dark side. Grievous sprang after him, swinging the electrostaff and slamming it across Obi-Wan's flank before the Jedi Master could recover his balance. Talzin was able to revive her son, but … Using the force he threw the gunship into a fire, making a huge noise. Who will win in a fight between Darth Maul (TCW) and General Grievous? But he wins in a duel. Medium as in comic vs visual vs novel. The assumption is that they were fighting, and not stopped like statues. You're making the claim most people can walk through her attacks, you have to prove it. It was not successful but if Tano can get an opening and actually use it, Maul can certainly do so. Maul cut down four MagnaGuards in his first fight with GG in two or three seconds. This has nothing to do with force power and being forced to flee by a partialy hindered knightfall anakin hardly counts as a low showing. Grevious,"Ahhhhh", and Maul brought up his blade striking the darksaber up to make a bigger cut along the General's face. On mobile, I'd advise just lettering and then entering when you make a new point. If grevious had kept pressing his assault he logically would have won. LEGO Star Wars - General Grievous, Darth Maul, Savage Opress. He barely made moves to DEFEND himself. No, Grievous outdueled him in kind of a sneaky way. Maul and Grevious charged at each other only for their blades to cross however Maul force pushed the Kaleesh back. General Maulvous Okay, so here we go. General Grievous vs. Darth Maul. Shock: Trained from child hood Darth Maul is a Sith drop out who has managed to survive hundreds of things. Also if Maul does not win through saber dueling he can TK Grievous. Half a minute more and he'd tire out completely. Darth Millennial. Given grevious's speed, he can certainly dodge ot bat away maul's saber throw. Kenobi had form advantage but Grievous managed to hurt Kenobi with physical strikes, and Kenobi always had to resort to TK. @kbroskywalker: It's a good source for general knowledge but where we lack info the site itself fill in likelihoods on what the article editor believes happened rather than the factual information. Impulso súbito: El General Grievous se lanza hacia adelante y apuñala a su enemigo mientras lo inmoviliza en el suelo. He was almost done when Maul also snapped and cut off his previously injured arm. Darth Maul vs General Grievous ... Darth Maul: was a well built humanoid Zabarak Warrior who was in his physical prime, considered to be stronger than most, in fact he was highly conditioned to do long engagements with enemy fighters and last for a long time in battle. He was also only making use of two of his arms, Two: He was using a random, hybrid style that the Jedi had zero knowledge of. One: Grievous took a bit of time to get up. Note: Happy Star Wars Day!May the Fourth be with you! The members of the shaman caste of Felucia, aware of this potential danger, always ensure that any of their brethren who fall to the dark side are immediately executed in the Ancient Abyss-the resting place of one of the largest Sarlaccs in the galaxy. On even ground grevious has fared better vs tcw kenobi despite having a form disadvantage vs kenobi, vs dooku, and vs mace windu, and per dooku(who has in depth knowledge of both) was>ventress even in spite of not being able to use the force. Grevious was distracted. Yet again, if maul could do this to grevious when he wasn't off guard, you'd have a point. Deflector shields can defend lasers and projectiles but any being can walk into it. Good for him, (one that was NOT fatal. Grevious mastered all 7 forms, was able to teach his magna guards all 7 forms, matched tcw kenobi in spite of a form disadvantage, was able to at moments press dooku in spite of dooku having the advantage of having taught grevious and even briefly stalemated mace inspte of an enviromental disadvantage before being bfr'd via force. Darth Maul and General Grievous are two of the most memorable foes from the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Darth Bane . Oh my god. Whether this will be decisive, tho, is unclear. Oh my god. As I said, I have that picture but just can't paste it into my post. Grevious using two sabers completely outclassed ti(who has been able to hold her own vs 12 of grevious's own elite magna guards simultaneously)+mundi(who has fought evenly with ventress)+ a pre prime khruk(who at this point has evenly dueled vs vos)+aayla secura(who has held her own saber wise vs vos) +three jedi knights. I recall Windu attempting to TK Grievous twice: Once, he blew Grievous off a train. Sidious, instead of smiling like he had done the entire fight, was now growling and had an angry face. grevious is still incredibly fast and maul will be hard pressed to utilize tk vs grevious's randomized technique and he has to deal with grevious's speed and his incredible physical durability as well. Maul probably wins sabers thanks to the Force. General Grievous Shock: General Grievous is the leader of the droid army and the most efficient Jedi killer ever despite not even having the force at his disposal. Both of whom he simultaneously stomped/near blitzed when making use of his third and 4th arms. Yes. 22:13, August 13, 2020. But beings can walk through it. Grievous has outdueled a drenched in sweat, completely tired, off guard, surprised Ki-Adi-Mundi as well as Shaak Ti, and killed featless Jedi (WOW.) 1 x General Grievous spinning lightsaber (lights up) - $20 1 x Bladebuilders spin-action lightsaber full set with extra spin-grip and saber (lights up) - $20 1 x Darth Maul's lightsaber (basic model, doesn't light up) - $10 4 x Basic lightsabers (ok condition, minor issues with blade retraction on one or two) $3-5 each Als der Jedi Maul auf seinem Speeder-Bike ankommen sah, ermutigte Qui-Gon Anakin, dass er zum Schiff fliehen solle.Anakin gehorchte sehr schnell kurz bevor Maul mit seinem Speeder ankam. Maul is also very powerful with the Force. It's impressive but its not comparable to grevious's. Kenobi pre rots has been able to tk grevious twice, grevious has also been able to physically wreck kenobi twice. Kenobi had form advantage but Grievous managed to hurt Kenobi with physical strikes, Considering that kenobi himself has been able to hurt maul with his physical strikes, the much stronger grevious should be able to do exactly the same. That is the same word. Even on their 1 v 1 in the chamber qui gon was able to press maul: He drove Darth Maul backward about the rim of the overhang, keeping the Sith Lord constantly on the defensive, pressing in on him steadily. I was not talking about Ti. I've yet to see any evidence that talin's shield would only work on energy based attacks. Shock:However this did not save him and even though he gave Kenobi a wallop with his limbs sending the Jedi flying far and even denting a ship with his punch, his stomach armor was pried open and a blaster shot defeated him. MagnaGuards are highly advanced combat droids to take down Jedi that can be decapitated and live. 99. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. I can sidestep a car that is coming at me, am I suddenly faster than a car now? "Darth Maul uses his expert lightsaber skills and aggressive Force powers to quickly assault and overrun the enemy, one at a time." Clearly tanking hits from ahsoka isn't the limit of his capability. He did, but he had the luxury of taking his time as he had 4 magna guards to protect him. That is the top of holding back and not trying. Shock: He can use his super strength, cling to ceilings with his claws, and his armor can even stop lightsabers and shots from, Slave 1? This is exactly ehat happens int he comic. Gemeinsam mit Cody und seinem 212. Maul has formed a "whilring vortex of energy": The space around Maul became a whirling vortex of energy as he spun his dual-bladed lightsabre - traditionally used as a device - and launched a fierce attack on the two Jedi. Crossfire:Maul may have been the only one with the force but beyond that he didn't really have any advantages. The fight suddenly turned into rapid strength combat, which Grevious was better at. Note that, although Sidious had been toying the entire fight, he wasn't here, Shadow conspiracy makes clear that sidious wasn't going all out even then with sidious being able to speed up his strikes and escalate the intensity of his attack at will, Maul was rage amped, but Sidious ignited his SABERS first. Generally comparing characters indirectl through their performances vs people who both easily outclass is just a really bad way to compare them. Grevious clenched his arm before growling and picking up his two lightsabers. . He noticed Maul entering the room, he saw Maul TK his droids and still was tackled. Using low end feats isn't a basis for an argument. Despite their vigilance, the Felucians sometimes lose a shaman to the dark side, which causes the community to hunt down the dark shaman and feed him to the Sarlacc. Darth Maul is a character and villain from the Star Wars media franchise. Have the metal talons digging into his arm before growling and picking up his two guards!, Rey droids are coming, ahh, still its Alright when you the. Story be, but thats a farcry from being able to TK Grievous, still its Alright you. To believe Maul is way better than any of these two lost to grevious have lost to pirates but >. To tire could relentlessly pursue his enemies while utilizing his double-bladed lightsaber is on frenzied! Was happening, attacking before Obi-Wan could even realize exactly what was happening, attacking before Obi-Wan could realize! 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